Privacy policy

iOb Design
Privacy statement

By using our website, you agree with the use of your data as described in this privacy statement. We process personal data only in accordance with the data protection act.

Your Privacy comes first

Exact brand respects the privacy of all website visitors. The data that you leave on this website are carefully and confidentially handled. We use only data that expressly and voluntarily are given by persons who visit our website, request information and/or register for an appointment. Exchange of information on the website is encrypted with an SSL certificate.

Collection and Use of Personal Information

We will retain your information only as long as necessary. It means that we store data as long as this is necessary for the service requested by you. Exceptions are the data that we need to keep longer, because the law mandates us. If you request information via the website or register for an appointment, for example, we ask for your name and some additional data. You will receive the requested information and the confirmation of your registration through the mail. Do you give permission for use of your email address through application or registration? Then, maybe you will receive still news, interesting tips or articles. You can unsubscribe at any time using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of in the mail. Obtained data will not be provided to third parties, unless it is required by law or permitted.

Cookies and Other Technologies

We use cookies to be able to offer you sought-after information and let the website technically functions properly. Cookies are not used for doing unsolicited offers.

IP address and domain name

For security and optimization of the website we record your IP address and domain name. We also look at the type of browser you use our website. We do this to the facilities and functions to adapt to the equipment from you as a visitor to prevent our website difficult to read. This information is owned Exact brand. The information that is collected is used to improve our services and marketing activities. Also this information will under no circumstances be passed on to third parties, unless required by law or permitted.

Third Party websites

This statement does not apply to websites of third parties that are connected to our website by means of links. We cannot guarantee that these websites handle your personal data in a reliable or secure manner. Always read their privacy statement before using their website. This contains more information about how they handle your data.